Without Creation, we got nothin!
Creation is the most essential foundation of faith. It impacts every aspect of life.
Similarly evolution is affecting the current departure from God, as it infects every aspect of life from science to morality and all parts in between.
When you open your front door every Morning and step out into a world that has occurred by random processes of chance, begun by big bang chaos, which inexplicably originated from nothing, your thinking is distorted. The impact of an environment that is the creative expression of a divine designer that loves you and is in control, is vastly different and wonderfully energizing.
The skeptic challenges, “what proves God?” The real question is, “what doesn’t prove God?”
Seeing our maker in every aspect of life, influences the soul. God intended it to.Trusting God is empowered by the practice of wonder at His works. “Look at the birds of the air…your heavenly Father feeds them,…are you not much more valuable than they?” Jesus.
Like a growing mold, the dark void of evolution has spawned vain imaginations, speculations, and redefinitions of life and morality. But morality is not a matter of opinion, or discussion, debate, discovery, or the latest research. It’s the Creators’ call.
The Bible boldly refers to creation without compromise from the first verse on. Christ and all the New Testament authors quote Genesis as literal and God breathed. Evolution is never mentioned. Historically, it’s a “Jonnie come lately.”
A wise man said, “One’s belief concerning his origin, will inevitably determine his belief concerning his purpose and his destiny.” Dr. Henry Morris.
There’s a lot more than nothin at stake.
Continued in Creation Part 2 Is the present the key to the past?