Creation Part 2



Is The Present The Key To The Past?

      How old did Adam appear to be on the day he was created? How about the trees? If you cut one open on day one, would it have rings representing years of aging? And the stars? Could their placement be interpreted as billions of years of big bang travel through space, when in fact they were only one day old? The answers are obvious because there can be no question. It is boldly disclosed from the beginning, that all things were created fully formed, with the appearance of age, lest we misinterpret the indicators of age.

Uniformitarianism is a big word, meaning “the present is the key to the past.” It’s the belief that the present processes which we observe today, can be projected onto the past to explain where we came from and show how we got here. This belief is based on an assumption of course, that all things have continued the same from the beginning until now. This is the vital organ of evolutionary reasoning. Without it, evolution dies. With it, God dies.

If the assumption was a scientific fact, it could be demonstrated. But without a time-machine, we cannot possibly know that all things have continued the same forever. For this case, an eye-witness is required. We have that witness.

The Creator Himself testifies the key to understanding the past in just five words, “in the beginning God created…”. He further reveals, that He ended creating, upon completion of the creation work. There is no process in the present, that represents the processes of the beginning. Only the results of that creation process can be observed.

Contrary to uniformitarianism, scripture documents the past as being drastically different from the present, with radically dissimilar processes than those of today. How many people today live to be a thousand years old? Where are the trees of life and knowledge? Who converses with animals today? And what about all those giants?

Numerous changes are also documented. These were not minor, but momentous, and earth changing, like the curse of the entire earth, and the universal flood. These differences define interpretation of current discoveries. Uniformitarianism ignores them. The evidence, whether fossils, rocks, strata, elements, genetics, stars or DNA, is being misread by uniformitarian assumption.

Clearly, the message we are supposed to hold to is, don’t think your limited understanding, isolated to the present world around you, gives true perspective on what has led up to it.

Continued in Creation Part 3  “The Heart of The Matter”