Creation Part 3


The Heart of The Matter

      Objection! “Creation is faith, not science.”

The same could be said of Uniformitarianism. Processes from the beginning are not observable, measurable nor repeatable. . Without a time machine, they can only be assumed and that’s not science. The real question becomes why would anyone want that to be true.

The difference is, Creation claims to have eyewitness testimony to the event. At that point Creation is more scientific than evolution which obviously has no eyewitness.

Why accept one over the other?

      Debates on the issue rage in the arenas of intellectual combat, as if we choose to believe one and reject the other based on reason. But “Faith is the substance of things hoped for.” In other words, we believe to be true, what we want to be true. “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God,” not in his mind. No amount of reasoning or arsenal of data can change that. Behold then, the futility of debate.

The heart, is the heart of the matter. The intuitive Knowledge of creation is inborn in the heart of every human being, and verified by everything around us. There isn’t anything that doesn’t prove God. The challenge to the evolutionist is not why don’t you have this knowledge, but, how did you lose it?

Gods’ answer to that question?, pride. Scripture says, “professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…and changed the truth.” He goes on to say, ” even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,…”  Such bias comes from the heart, not reason.

Having pre-dismissed the knowledge of origins along with its source as “religion,” the so called “scientific world” has very unscientifically, chained itself to the treadmill of vain imaginations for explaining “how it all began.”

“Big Bang?” “Really?” “We were exploded into existence?” That’s silly!

Continued in Creation Part 4 “The Impact of Evolution