Creation Part 4


The Impact of Evolution

      Uniformitarianism has “pied pipered” the world astray into nonsense. The primary casualty of this foolish departure has been morality, the underpinnings of absolute right and wrong being left behind for the random chaos of an imagined “big bang” explosion that never happened. Nevertheless, the worldwide influence upon every aspect of our lives is profound.

Abortion? From the point of view of the creator of life, it’s not even a question. Homosexuality? For the one that designed them male and female, is not even debatable. All questions of morality are simply His call, and He has made it clear.

The Maker’s law was written in our heart’s conscience from the beginning so that morals are never a matter of opinion, or discovery, or debate, or social trends of the time, or the results from the latest research. Those are all just accommodations for the assumed “fallout” from the initial bang.

The actual “Ground zero” of evolution, is the tragic annihilation of a personal, speaking relationship with our Creator. Equally devastating is the collateral damage to the blessed peace of mind that comes with moral absolutes. No physical bomb has ever done as much damage.

Continued in Creation Part 5 Evolution, The Villain of This Chapter