The Villain of This Chapter
Evolution is the villain of the current chapter of history that we live in today. It should be hated.
Hitler built his entire campaign on Darwin’s work entitled;
“The Origin Of The Species By Means Of Natural Selection
The Preservation of The Favored Races In The Struggle For Life.”
Published 1859
You can detect Darwin’s philosophy in Hitler’s words about being ruthless. “Be ruthless, life does not forgive weakness. This so-called humanity is religious drivel. Compassion is an eternal sin. Apes for instance, kill all the odd ones, and what applies to apes must definitely apply to humans. To feel compassion for the weak, is a betrayal of nature. I have always obeyed this law of nature, never permitting myself to feel compassion.”
Today abortion is similarly cold hearted. Driven by evolutionary reasoning, it is compassionless for the babies (“fetuses”). Can killing the opposition to it be far behind?
Every current issue, whether its in morals, science, education, family and just about everything else, is being moved by the seismic influence of evolution dogma.
Over 2000 years ago the Apostle Peter foretold the advent of uniformitarianism in our time. “Above all, you must understand, that in the last days scoffers will come saying,… everything goes on as it has since the beginning.”
If Nostradamus had made this amazing prediction, the world would be ignited with interest over its precise warning. But evolutionary bias dulls the senses with “case closed” closed mindedness. Scorn for anything contrary, suppresses any challenge of it. Just ask any accomplished scientist, and there are many, who has dared to fall out of lock-step with evolutionary doctrine. They are all outspoken about the ostracizing bigotry of the so called, “scientific community” when it comes to this subject.
Peter spoke as a true prophet on behalf of the creator, alerting believers who have “ears to hear.” He defined the primary evil to be on guard against. We must turn up the volume on the subtle deception of evolution and uniformitarianism which has infected all people worldwide like a silent heart worm.
Peter emphasized this as important “”above all.”