“The best thing that ever happened to me”
I once heard a very successful business man actually say this, “the best thing that ever happened to me, was my bankruptcy.” He went on to add, “because that’s what forced me to learn to trust God.” He later added, “Once you can say, “God will come through, He always does,” you’re not only financially secure, you’re secure in everything.”
Freedom is liberating
Financial security relieves most stresses and realigns our priorities. Christ said, “seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added,” Matt.6:33. Undistracted focus on God and His Kingdom makes prosperity certain and incidental, liberating all our energies to full usefulness in God’s cause. Labor becomes a blessing rather than a burden. “Come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest… for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
The question of finances is answered in making God and His cause the primary pursuit of your life. With that priority, our needs become His project like the Edenic arrangement in the beginning. What a blissful liberating relief! Rather than living in servitude of the profane pursuit of providing for ourselves, we serve God with His eternal rewards having all our needs supplied.
The Green Pastures of the 23rd Psalm mean abundance so rich you can relax, “lie down.” There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the green grass of God’s abundant provision. But our security remains in The Good Shepherd. If He’s leading you, financial issues are anxiety free. They have become incidental.
John Lennon sang, “I’d give you everything I got for a little peace of mind.”
The lyric of financial freedom is “God will come through, He always does.”
Continued in Financial Security Part 4