Mercy, The First Responder
My dear friend found herself in a ditch one dark wintery night, pinned inside her car, waiting for the police to arrive. Her only anxiety wasn’t for her distress or minor injuries but the disfavor that she anticipated was on its way. She knew she had been driving too fast for the slippery conditions.
Nothing but compassion and blessed help was extended to her upon the arrival of the so called, “1st responders.” She expressed her great relief in tearful gratitude to her kind rescuers and testified to the church, the lesson she had learned. God’s first response is to our needs, not our faults. That response is mercy.
Mercy is that whereby we don’t receive what we deserve, i.e. “we don’t get what we have coming to us.” It’s guaranteed in writing, by God, in the “New Contract” (New Testament). “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and iniquities, I will remember no more.”[1]
God invites us to come boldly and obtain His Mercy. We do this by approaching His throne, in worship.. [2] His throne is also called the “Mercy Seat.” [3] This is an open invitation. It’s useable anytime, anywhere. The “New Contract” proclaims that wrath has been eliminated. [4] It is no longer to be anticipated, in fact we should live in constant expectancy of God’s compassion and blessed help. King David did, “surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” Psalm 23
Jesus took all the wrath for us, as if He was the guilty one. He also did all the good stuff that we should have done but didn’t, thereby fulfilling our obligation. And He did it better than we ever could. His Blood speaks of this to the Father. It has forever procured His favor, permanently and irreversibly.
We need only consider what the Father thinks of the Blood of Jesus to understand how He thinks of us. He awaits our approach, seated on a throne of mercy prepared to help us. It’s His guaranteed first response.
[1] Heb.8:12 [2] Heb.4:16 [3] Rom.3:25 [4] 1Thes.5:9