Give God a Loan
Looking to make a good investment? Give God a loan. No matter what the amount, He promises a sure dividend. He says, “he that gives to the poor, lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.” Pro.19:17
The best investment I make, is the designated amount of money that goes to the local mission for the homeless every month. Ironically, it’s also the most certain to not pay back any direct returns on my money. One could call this, a poor investment. But giving to the poor is a good idea because God attaches Himself to that transaction, and He’s bigger than Goldman Sachs.
Recognizing the returns on my investment is the fun part. When unexpected blessings come my way, I joyfully acknowledge the connection that Jesus pointed out when He said “the Father which sees you give in secret, shall reward you openly.” He always pays with interest and the eternal dividends are incalculable.
Clearly, investing in The Streets of Gold, is much better than Wall Street.