God Breathed Words



      “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.” [1] The Greek word for inspiration is theopneustos,

Theo; God, pneustos; breathed. All scripture isGod breathed

The Bible is not just a collection of thoughts but a composition by God like the creation of Adam when He breathed into Adam the breath of life. It’s perfect, and alive. Jesus said, “the words I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” [2]

God wrote the bible, man wrote it down. His words were carried from His mouth, to man’s pen  by His Spirit. Jesus said,” man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” [3]

The words themselves are “inspired,” (God breathed). When the ancient Hebrew scribes were painstakingly hand copying the scriptures, they were extraordinarily careful to transcribe each word perfectly. If there was any mistake, a smudge or a misspelling, the entire text was destroyed, and they had to start over.

Jesus said, “not one jot or tittle of the law shall pass away till all be fulfilled.” [4] Even the punctuation of God’s word is inspired.

Reverence for God’s word should be like the esteem one has for their own body. Every part is vital, every part has life. Every part is worthy of our attention.

The scriptures are unique in that their author comes with them. The same breath (Spirit) that wrote them, is with us to help understand them. [5] Imagine if Hemingway sat with you as you read his works.

The Bible says, “the word became flesh and dwelt among us.” [6] Christ is with you today, by His word.

[1] 2Tim.3:16

[2] Jn.6:63

[3] Matt.4:4

[4] Matt.5:18

[5] Jn.16:13

[6] Jn.1:14