The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King dreamed of unlimited opportunity based on character.
“I have a dream, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by
the content of their character. [1]” MLK
Martin Luther King devoted his life to the cause of abolishing “racial” discrimination. He “gave the last full measure of devotion,” for this righteous cause in his martyrdom, inspiring all of us to “take increased devotion to that cause,” (Paraphrase from The Gettysburg Address).
His historic speech from the steps of The Lincoln Memorial, in 1963, defined the message of freedom for all people. The dream included two parts. First the condemnation of all racial prejudice. And secondly, the positive virtue of unlimited potential based on character. His message was simple, recognize good “character,” without racial prejudice.
Half A Dream
We remember the first half of the dream, “not by the color of their skin,” and of course that kind of discrimination is deplorable, but the dream is incomplete without its positive side, which has to do with the place of “character.” Dr. King dreamed this for his children as much as freedom from racial bigotry because without it, freedom is incomplete.
Blurred Vision
We all know that the battle has raged primarily for equality. The question is, equality for what? Dr. King gave the answer. Equality to be judged by the content of ones character, alone, without prejudice or preference for anything else.
The dust from this fray has obscured the second half of the dream. Magnifying the place of character is just as essential to the vision of freedom as is overcoming “racial discrimination,” because good character brings unlimited opportunity. On the other hand, bad character is universally rejected by everyone. Bitterness and hatred over racism is blocking the progress of the entire world.
The Measuring Stick
Being judged by “the content of one’s character” is not wrong. Why do employers require resumes? Why do we pre-screen the babysitter? Why do dating services create profiles for their clients? It’s all done for the same reason, to help recognize a difference, in order to choose between the qualities that are preferred and not preferred.
Who wouldn’t prefer the honest person to run his company over the cheat. Who wants a babysitter that’s irresponsible? Who looks to date the self-centered? We all make these distinctions boldly, with eyes wide open and a clear conscience because no human rights are violated when discrimination is based on character alone.
To imply that all discrimination of any kind is illegitimate, is impossible to apply in actual living. Try buying your next car without it, or selecting a college to attend, or choosing your next computer, or ordering from a menu, or finding your life partner. For mankoind, character is the measure that Christ recognizes. Martin Luther King proclaimed this to our nation.
Judge Not
But what about “judge not that you be not judged?” [2] The reference here is to us trying to play God. The only one who knows the inner motives of mans heart is God. Presuming to judge someone’s inner reason for their words or actions is wrong and self-serving, often cruel.
At the same time Christ is emphatic about “discernment” of “wolves in sheep’s clothing,”[3] saying, “by their fruits you shall know (judge) them.”[4] Judgmental ism is clearly a character flaw, but we can still be fruit inspectors. We would be helplessly vulnerable to wolves if we didn’t discern poor character and discriminate. The guideline for all such evaluating is “do all things with love, ” 1Cor.16:14, i.e. good character.
Good Character
Humility, generosity, kindness, forgiveness, diligence, patience, meekness, loyalty, responsibility, punctuality, thoroughness, discipline, self-control, fairness, prudence, longsuffering, deference, discretion, selflessness, enthusiasm, modesty, honesty, commitment, tolerance, contentment, courage, mercy, steadfastness, valor, fortitude, gratefulness, consideration, attentiveness, sensitivity, sincerity, perseverance, trustworthiness, neatness, dependability, decisiveness, tactfulness, courtesy, politeness, impartiality, graciousness, compassion, empathy, faithfulness, determination, positivity, love and all the qualities of good character are colorless. Furthermore, they are universal and esteemed by all humankind everywhere, just as all the contrary qualities are universally disdained.
Unlike “racial discrimination,”discrimination based on character gives hope to anyone, and unlimited potential to everyone. MLK dreamed this for his beloved children. The realization of their full potential in life is what all parents dream for their children. To be robbed of that dream for your children is unspeakably tragic.
These qualities are the answer to most of the challenges in life. They are the answer to most of our nation’s challenges. They are the explanation of and answer to most of the world’s problems. Courses in character development should be mandatory for a complete education.
Wrong Discrimination
Discrimination based on skin, or color or any other prejudice, can crush the human spirit and all its wonderful potential. This is what makes wrong discrimination so despicable and what fuels such heated passion for the part of Dr. King’s dream that condemns it.
The Fault Of Our Fathers
Indeed, the bane of our national heritage, is that it didn’t exclude slavery. The Founding Fathers did not cut it off at the birth of the nation but “kicked the can down the road” for others to deal with. i.e. The Civil War, “The Great Society,” “The Civil Rights Act,” etc.
We have all inherited this iniquity and responsibility which is now over two hundred years worse. It’s a sin that we are all still paying for. Reversing its consequences should be a dream of every American, starting with repentance before God from the sub conscious infection of racial discrimination.
Deceitful above all things, the human heart cannot scour itself from its own bias. [5] We have always needed the help of God in this matter. Martin Luther King and his dream was the most recent instrument of God used to prick our national conscience. He was an ordained minister of Christ, the son of a pastor. Our current national challenge in this area is in fact God’s draft notice to our nation to humble ourselves and seek Him for the help.
The Current Struggle
The current fervor of resistance against this sin however, has itself tempted a “counter-sin” that’s curtailing progress once again. Racism cannot be overcome with racism. Black is no better than white. Just because one has been oppressed by racism doesn’t make them immune to their own human tendency to be racist themselves. The truth is, it intensifies the temptation.
Prejudice is part of the fallen nature of man.That tendency transcends race. Only divine help can overcome it. It has become apparent in our day that the passion to “get equality” can be superseded by the lust to “get even,” the oppressed desiring to turn the tables on the oppressor, place his foot on his neck and say, “now how do you like it?”
Understandable But Wrong
Is this understandable? Yes! Of course! Is it right? Of course not! “Vengeance is mine says The Lord, I will repay!” That is, if we let HIm. But vengeance is also part of our human nature’s tendency. Reverend King’s words should haunt us, because revenge is the exact opposite of what he stood for and died for. His life’s message was, “overcome evil with good,” [6] civil disobedience, just like Christ. He maintained good character in contrast to evil and thereby exposed it like it had never been exposed before.
God’s Instrument
King was God’s servant, perhaps a prophet to our time. The Christ he channeled fervently protested the hypocrisies of His day also, but instead of being like them and responding in kind, He rose above the murderous abuse and exposed its evil by responding, “Father forgive them” [7]. Martin Luther King and Jesus both released the power of God on their respective societies by giving place to God’s wrath. It cannot happen any other way.
Only Love Wins
[8] Love is the ultimate character quality of God.[9] Focusing on Him and His kind of love makes us like Him and empowers us because we always become like our emotional focus. Unfortunately, hatred will also morph you into its image. In other words, you are either becoming like what you love, or you are becoming like what you hate.Jesus, just as you taught us to pray, “deliver us from evil!”
[1] [2] Matt.7:1 [3] Matt.7:15 [4] Matt.7:16 [5] Jer.17:9-10 the heart is deceitful above all things, desperately wicked, who can know it? I The Lord.. [6] Rom.12:21 “be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” [7] Lk.23:34 [8] 1Cor.13:8 [9] 1 Jn.4:8