Gun Control vs, God Control


Gun Control vs. God Control

      Heinous acts of violence are no mystery, they’re caused by guns. What else could it possibly be? If we just eliminated guns, murders would cease and reason and love would prevail. Radical psychotics would no longer be disgruntled and antisemitism would cease. Simple! This is called being facetious, just in case you couldn’t tell.

Cain murdered his brother Abel. It’s the first murder. The instrument of death isn’t even mentioned. His gun was resentment. Religious leaders murdered Christ, by envying Him to death. Obviously the Cross was a focal point of the murder. If that happened today a debate would no doubt rage about “Cross Control.” Name any human flaw, and somehow, some way, it has resulted in a murder. We’ve had these insights for millennia.

The nation that forgets God loses the answer to every question because it has pre-abandoned the source of all answers. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Pro.1:7.

What if senseless acts of violence come from demonic powers tip toeing in and out of troubled minds like cities without walls. Sin is the reason for the unreasonable. That’s no mystery and God already revealed it to us. But if His fundamental insight into human behaviors, or for any aspect of life, is disqualified from consideration, we are doomed to endless debate in the vain pursuit of unattainable answers.

Man chases the futile quest of “where did we come from” and “why are we here,” already possessing the answer within himself, Rom.1:18. He searches the depths of the sea, the vastness of space and all the sciences sparing no expense, amount of labor, or peril of risk. If exploration and research were the means to these answers they would have produced one by now.

The depth of devotion and passion miss applied to every imaginable philosophy, intellectualism, religion, theory, speculation and screwy fantasy in this pursuit is immeasurably foolish. Could there be any greater waste than seeking answers we already have?

The question isn’t guns. The question is, “Is Christ risen?” Understanding where we came from, why we are here, what went wrong and how it’s made right is summed up in that answer. The nation needs this question at the forefront of every issue. It’s “the beginning of wisdom.” Pro.9:10

“The answer you will never find, is the one you refuse to know.”

Benched, God sits on the sidelines of today’s baffled headlines, uncalled upon, while anything but God is allowed to be played as a possible solution.

Guns?… Seriously?!