Heart sickness,


Heart sickness

      My dear friend texted me a very exciting message. It said, “Joel Osteen is now following me on Twitter as of today.” For a published author in the process of writing her second book, this was ecstatic news. I was thrilled for her. This would be like a booster rocket of inspiration. I could feel her surge of hope.

Sadly, it turned out to be a Social Media scam that was just using Joel Osteen’s picture. The disappointment was cruel.

False hope is a harsh torment, even when it is unintentional. But in this fallen world, it’s inevitable. We must deal with it. If we don’t, disappointments can lead to the paralyzing philosophy of, “if you never hope anything, you’ll never be disappointed.” Scripture says it like this, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life”. (NAS)

The Bible says, “we are saved by hope.” Hope is even called the “helmet of salvation,” because it’s so essential to our mental health.

Furthermore, “faith is the substance of things hoped for,” (KJV) meaning, without hope, we can’t have faith. Indeed, many have abandoned their faith after a devastating disappointment. Allowing inner bitterness over life’s let downs is not wise. On the contrary, it’s heart poison.

Hope is the confident anticipation of good. Christ’s hope is certain, and unique as the only one that is. His resurrection triumphed over every disillusionment, betrayal, broken promise and loss, including death. We are urged to apply this resurrection hope by expecting it in all our challenges, “rejoicing in hope and being patient in tribulation.” God will come through, He always does!

My friend subscribes to this blessed hope as I do. We ended up having a laugh over her misadventure. After it was all sorted out, her text to me read, “there are some crazy people out there.” My reply, “I’m glad we are so normal.” LOL!
