Romans Chapter One
In The Epistle of Paul to the Romans, The Apostle outlines a detailed schematic of how sin works in man. Chapter one charts the progression of behaviors (highlighted) beginning with the root system of unbelief, that eventually flowers into all manner of sinful manifestations. In the process, key insights into the branch of homosexuality are revealed.
Note; Paul’s diagram is without reference to the work of The Blood which comes in chapter 3.
The Root System of Sin
Because that when they knew God, they 1.glorified Him not as God, 2.neither were thankful; but became 3.vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. 4.Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and 5.changed the Glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man…Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the 6.lusts of their own hearts, to 7.dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who 8.changed the truth of God into a lie and 9.worshipped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever Amen.
The Branch Of Homosexuality
For this cause, God gave them up unto 1.vile affections: for even their women did 2.change the natural use into that which is 3.against nature: And likewise, also the men, 4.leaving the natural use of the woman, 5.burned in their lust one toward one another; men with men 6.working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that. recompense of their error which was meet.
The Fruit Of Sin
And even as 1.they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to 2.a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being 3.filled with ALL unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful…
The Apostle’s Lesson
What is made most clear is, whatever genetic predisposition we inherit in the fallen nature, it is nevertheless only our specific behaviors that determine our destiny. As Bruce Wayne came to realize, “it’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you,” (from Batman Begins).
“You Are What You Do!”
In Scripture, what you practice becomes your identity. Repeated adultery makes you an “adulterer,” the practice of fornication, a “fornicator,” gossiping makes you a “gossip.” Such identities cannot inherit The Kingdom of God, 1Cor.6:9-11. Repentance is essential.
Paul is showing that behaviors can transform a person. He is not addressing predisposition, or the iniquity of the fathers passed down to the children and he’s not talking about our genes. No, there is no gene for Sodomy, but the practice makes one a Sodomite.
The behaviors are what brings consequences. Note them; “Vain imaginations,” darkened hearts,” “dishonor (shame),” “foolishness,” “God gave them up,” “uncleanness,” “burning lusts,” “recompense of their error,” “God gave them over,” and worst of all, “a reprobate mind,” which is, losing the inborn knowledge of God. Each of these is the result of steps taken on the road of sin.
The Path Of Lust
Homosexuality is one of these steps. It’s the result of a sequence of behaviors that then results in further consequences. We see that anyone can proceed down the slippery slope of sexual lust and end up in homosexuality.
Not all homosexuals were born with gender confusion or a disposition toward homosexual desire. This treacherous path can take anyone into all manner of sexual deviance.
We hear professions like “I finally realized that I was Gay.” But passively realizing it, as if a surprised victim of influence, and walking down the road to compulsion, is obviously different.
These steps of indulgence and consequence involve deliberateness. When the willfulness of this pursuit is misrepresented as “I was born this way,” the reaction of outrage is understandable.
A Matter Of Choice
Though we have no choice in our genetics, a choice is very much involved in our actions. Those choices require an answer when asked, “why did you do that?” In other words, we’re accountable for our actions. Answering, “I couldn’t help it,” or “that’s just the way I am,” is not truthful nor redeeming.
The actions are judged, not genetics. Paul says “knowing the judgment of God that they which DO such things are worthy of death,” V.32. God is proven to be absolutely right in so judging. Rom.1:17
What’s Wrong With It?
“They changed the natural use into that which is against nature,” spotlights the wrong of the homosexual act and exposes its pretense of victimless innocence.
Homosexuality violates what is natural, it’s “against nature. ” Abuse of nature would be passionately protested in any context other than sexual want. Here, its molestation is overlooked.
The victim is nature’s designer. The homosexual act misuses the obvious intended purposes of our anatomy and defies the one who intended them. The Creator and His desires are overruled in preference of vile passions gone wild. What about His rights?
Nevertheless, “God so loved the world,” even when it crucified Him.
Spinning Sinning
Such moral override requires a bypass of the conscience. What is man’s answer for guilt? Semantics.
The word “homosexual,” is an amoral term. Concerning right and wrong, it means nothing. Guilt is ignored.
“Gay” offsets guilt. It includes a trendy identity and acceptance in a “community” that has celebrities. Morals are arbitrary. The only moral standard is that nobody feels bad.
But semantics can’t take away guilt. These are “fig leaves” of man’s invention.
In sharp contrast, God’s word carries bold moral statement. For example, Alcoholics are referred to as drunkards.
Morally ambiguous verbiage never occurs in scripture because God would never deceive us in order to pacify us. Instead, He defines homosexuals as “abusers of themselves with mankind.” and “Sodomites.” God calls the homosexual act “abomination.” The characterization of wrong and its consequence is unmistakably conveyed by the choice of words. His mercy is in telling the truth clearly enough so even the disabled conscience can comprehend it.
Only God has the answer for guilt. That answer is His Mercy. But it cannot be sustained without truth. “Gay” supersedes truth. Amorality has no need for mercy.
Truth liberates. Spin accommodates. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. ” Truth is the dynamic antidote for guilt. Spin-doctoring only band-aids symptoms. Recognizing truth releases the cure. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” ! Jn.1:9
The Liberation
The bondage of homosexuality is an invincibility boasting Goliath. Its “David” is God’s Grace. As is the case with any intimidating influence, “where sin abounds Grace does much more abound,” Rom.5:20.
The Greek word for Grace is charis; the desire and power to do God’s will; the divine influence on the heart, reflected in the life. The desire and power of homosexuality are overruled by superior desire and power that is “shed abroad in our hearts by The Holy Ghost,” God’s “generator.”
His influence is simply more powerful. It’s “amazing Grace!” Anyone who has experienced it will testify.
The captive is already wired for the inner dynamics of compelling desire. In this way, God’s Grace, a compelling desire, is the replacement solution to every compulsion, indulgence, and addiction. By unplugging from the 110 current of sin and plugging into the 220 power of God’s influence, the giant is conquered.
Homosexual Vs Homosexuality
A difference must be struck between homosexual and homosexuality. The genetic condition is distinct from the indulgence. Failure to make this distinction accounts for Christendom’s broad-brush rejection of homosexuals.
There is a minister in a nearby town who admits to being “Gay.” However, he outspokenly decries its practice. At the same time, he extends acceptance and compassion for homosexuals. He distinguishes the sin from the sinner. Yet he is shunned by most of the Christian community that claims to observe that approach.
The “recovering alcoholic,” who hasn’t had a drink in years, maintains a similar modified acknowledgement of his addiction. Many effective ministers are of like journeys of recovery such as the thief that no longer steals, the philanderer that’s repented or the reformed ex-convict. They are all celebrated. What’s the difference then, for the recovering homosexual?
We cannot endorse what scripture condemns. But we must not condemn whom God has justified.
Faith Vs Works
Our behaviors, good or bad, do not determine justification. Our sins are not the issue of our destiny. The watershed of eternity is The Resurrection.
The two thieves crucified beside Christ could have been two homosexuals or any behavior identity because Jesus never addresses their sin. Clearly, the behavior of stealing is as eternally damning as any. But one thief pleaded, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom,” and The Lord responded, today you shall be with me in paradise.” This announced the destiny of anyone who believes in Christ’s Resurrection, punctuating that it’s regardless of one’s sin identity.
God summed up all transgressions in one all inclusive manifestation of concentrated evil, the murder of His Son. Christ then interceded, “Father forgive them.” With that, every one of “them” was forever forgiven. This included the thief. It also includes you and me, and the homosexual, and all mankind before and after that event.
Water Colors
It turns out, Romans Chapter one is just the background for the contrasting foreground presentation of justification by faith without works. Like a watercolor painting, the second layer, “the depth of God’s forgiveness,” is not painted on until the first layer, “the depth of sin, ” is set and dry. It’s the clearest rendering of the place of human behaviors ever made.
” Justified Freely By His Grace” (Rom.3:24),
The word justification means, just as if I’d never sinned. We are justified by faith in The Son of God alone. All behaviors are as irrelevant as if they never happened. And if you should wonder what those behaviors are, they are listed in dissected detail in Roman’s one and two.
No Compromise
God’s truth is uncompromising.
But His mercy endures forever and He says, “if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.” He is just as uncompromising about that!