Impossible Pride


Impossible Pride

      Pride is the DNA of Satan. It means, to make oneself God. [1] It was the first temptation. [2] It is the primary symptom of sin. Furthermore, pride is the tap root of every branch of sin. [3]

It is pride that draws the judgment of God, [4] and “God resists the proud.” [5] From God’s perspective, pride is the worst part of sin.


Pride is a paradox of self-deception, being the ultimate character flaw, while at the same time being the ultimate stroke of self-flattery that imposes a unique blindness to itself. The proud are always the last to know they are prideful. It’s the old story of the man who received the medal for being the humblest man in the world, but then was immediately stripped of it because he wore it. It’s impossible for man to overcome pride. If he could, he’d be proud of that. Pride is a hopeless, terminal malady.


So, what’s the answer? The Apostle Paul spoke of “a thorn in the flesh,” that was given to him. The stated aim was, “to keep me from becoming conceited through the abundance of the revelations.”  [6] . Paul had two options, remove the thorn, or, don’t live in “the flesh” where the thorn is. That’s also where the pride is. The thorn was not removed. The latter option is our hope and the only solution for pride. Pride is in the flesh, don’t walk in the flesh, and here’s a thorn in the flesh to help you to not want to walk in the flesh. Victory over pride is incidental.

Something outside of us must rescue us from us.


Christ told us that we need to be “born again.” He said, “that which is flesh is flesh, and that which is spirit is spirit.” [7] Scripture says, “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, all things are become new.” [8] Our humility is in the spirit. Clearly, it’s not in ourselves. No amount of will power or resolution will prevail.  “walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh,. ” [9] The flesh is where pride is. Thankfully, we cannot be in two places at once.

We do well to stop fretting about pride, stop striving to be humble. Our humility is already in the spirit for us.


Paul went on to say, “I take pleasure in infirmities, (weaknesses) in reproaches, (insults) in necessities, (obligations) in persecutions, and distresses, (difficulties) for Christ’s sake.” [10] These are the five street signs on the course of everyday life. On any given day and on any path, only God’s Grace is sufficient to get us through. Humility, is in simply believing that.  [11]  Eph.2:8

[1] Is.14:14

[2] Gen.3:5

[3] Rom.1:21

[4] Acts12:22-3

[5] Jms.4:6

[6] 2Cor.12:7

[7] Jn.3:5

[8] 2Cor.5:17

[9] Gal.5:16

[10] 2Cor.12:10

[11] 2Cor.3:5