Mirror mirror,
Get ready for the surprise of your life. It’s for the part you’re most interested in too. You.
Obsession with self-discovery is exploited in countless indulgences. Everything from astrology to handwriting analysis, to the four basic personality types, to psychoanalysis feeds our fascination with unlocking more of the mystery of “me.” But who really knows?
The only true source for understanding ourselves is God’s word. That’s why It’s called, “the mirror.”
Subjectivity and denial disqualify introspection. But God’s perspective reflects the true image of ourselves that’s without bias. And it’s always surprising.
Upon seeing himself from God’s point of view, the great patriarch Job, loathed himself. God’s perspective made The Apostle Paul recognize, “I can do all things through Christ.” Surprise! Both of these revelations apply to all of us.
As for the pursuit of self-analysis, His word says” the heart is deceitful above all things,” thus challenging, “who can know it?” He then gives the answer who, “ I The Lord...”
Looking to our own hearts for insight about ourselves is vain and futile. All we have to do, is look in the mirror, God’s word.
Always remember, when you are reading God’s word, God’s word is reading you.