“Sin” vs. “Sins”
These are two different things. “Sin” is the fallen nature inherited from Great Grandfather Adam. “Sins” are the acts and behaviors that result from that nature. All mankind has that sinful nature, as sure as they’re born. We are responsible for our “Sins” but we have no choice when it comes to “Sin.” “Sin” is a dynamic like unto a disease. “Sins” are just the symptoms of the infection of “Sin.”
We commit “Sins” because of “Sin”. “Sin” compels them. This distinction is crucial to overcoming habits, behaviors and addictions because if you only deal with the behavior you miss the source of the problem. On the other hand if you lay the ax to the root, “Sin,” the entire tree and all it’s fruit, “Sins,” will be affected.
“Sins” and “Sin” correspond to The Work of The Blood and the Way of The Cross. Each have a determining impact on victorious living. “Sins” are cleansed by the Blood of Christ along with all horrible disabling guilt. By the Blood of Christ we are made just as if we never sinned, “Justified.” Thank God!
The Cross of Christ on the other hand delivers from the power of “Sin” that’s causing the “Sins.“Confusing these two results in frustration and discouragement. How can one be forgiven of the “Sins”and yet still be bound by them?” The answer is because once “Sins” are confessed and forgiven, “Sin” still remains to be conquered. The “Work of the Blood” wipes out our “Sins” but “the “Way” of The Cross” wipes out the power of “Sin.” “Take up your cross and follow me,” said Christ as He taught us “The Way of The Cross.” He gave us the compass and the road map to true freedom from the power of “Sin” and all it’s frustrating behaviors. The Holy Spirit leads us from there.
The Way of The Cross and The Leading of the Spirit
Practically speaking, ” The Way of The Cross” means “you can’t be in two places at once.” Scripture says “walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” He is the positive way out of bondage. “Just say no” won’t work. The Way of The Cross is “just say yes.” To what? To The Spirit’s gentle moment by moment promptings in the heart. I’ve noticed when I stumble or just feel weakened it’s usually due to missing a turn in the path of the Spirit’s leading somewhere along the way. Thankfully, He always allows us to return to the demarcation point and take up where we left off no matter how far we may have strayed.
Will-power is not the answer. In fact, brokenness is what’s called for, as Paul said, “his strength is made perfect in weakness,” This is good news. Most of us can supply plenty of that for the journey.
Freedom is not a matter of rehabilitation but execution. The scripture says “reckon the old man dead.” he’s rendered dead indirectly by simply following the guidance of The Holy Spirit. Every time you yield to Him the old nature is weakened. It’s like the studies tells us in establishing a new habit. It takes about twenty-one days. The old simply starves to death from lack of activity. The ax is laid to the root.
If you are struggling with an addiction, the way of the cross is your hope. It’s impossible to be in Kansas and New Jersey at the same time. That’s a promise.
Rom.6:1 Mk.10:21 Gal.5:16