Social Media, Social Junk Food
Paula Poundstone is a well known comedienne and respected author who doesn’t indulge Social Media or allow her children to do so. [1] She recently wrote, “social media is to relationships as Dorito’s are to food.” Amen! Substituting digital input for substantive human intimacy is as misleading as empty calories are to good nutrition.
Of course garnishing genuine relationships with the enhancement of Social Media can marvelously fortify real human connections in unprecedented ways. In that limited definition “Social Media” is the best invention since the pencil. But imbibing computer data as the main course of your social diet is unhealthy. It can leave you socially undernourished and starving for intimacy. Lonely.
I know of a gal who is very active in Social Media and boasts of having over 1500 “friends” on line. She also cries compulsively with depression related to loneliness. There is a difference between “friends’ and “contacts.”
Many other well known celebrities decline to participate in the current “Social Media” craze as well, such as Denzel Washington, Kate McKinnon and Charles Barkley. Here are twenty-five more. You are challenged to read what each Highly esteemed high profile individual has to comment about the so called “Social Media.”
The peer influence to keep up with the latest trends lest you get left behind is a well documented pressure that drags multitudes into everything from fashion fads to the latest slang. Those who are stronger and more fulfilled in their personal needs don’t feel the compulsion to follow the crowd.
We are presently breeding the loneliest generation in history because of the pull of substitute socializing. Statistics indicate the conflicted are now beginning to stream into the counseling offices. Chronic loneliness, depression from relationship dysfunction and social anxiety are becoming epidemic.
The true value of digital media for socializing is enhancement and amusement, it’s delicious, it’s fun. But you never want to get the two food groups confused.
Continued in “The True Nature of Social Media”
[1] Paula Poundstone “The Totally Unscientific Study of The Search for Human Happiness”