Social media ain’t so social


Social media ain’t so social

      Mark Zuckerberg was a social jerk. According to the book, The Accidental Billionaires, and the film, The Social Network, the college sophomore had the social skills of a barbed-wire fence. Tactless, self-absorbed and obnoxiously demeaning in his arrogance, he was sensitive only to the confines of his own brilliant mind when trying to interact with others.

His creation of Facebook was the result of a drunken vendetta over a recent dumping by the girl who saw through his social adolescence and was tired of its abuse. This alternative to genuine social interaction, confined to the manipulation and control of a computer screen, has sold multitudes of similarly handicapped social children, making Zuckerberg the fifth richest man in the world.

A woman recently invited me to become one of her computer “friends.” She proudly pitched that I would be number 1567, as if that was a selling point. Of course, I declined. The truth is, that woman has no friends, she has contacts, she’s been misled. Loneliness in a crowd is the worst kind. Preoccupation with only one area of human contact, leaves a void of intimacy, starving the rest of the soul.


Scripture says, “it’s not good for man to be alone.” It speaks of “fellowship,” which implies intimacy, and doing life together with others in all its aspects of trials, joys, fun, sorrows, sacrifices, labors, support etc.

New disorders from loneliness and media addiction are currently mounting from the illusion of “computer social life.” An entire generation is in process of discovering that true social fulfillment is much more than just a digital connection. Get the counseling couches ready, they’re going to be needed.


If human contact was only a matter of technological communication, God would have just dropped a cell phone out of heaven. Instead He became one of us. He shares life with us fully, touching us at every level, not just one. Thankfully, His technology is far more advanced than Zuckerberg’s.