Terminal Memory Loss


Terminal Memory Loss


Today I cried like a little boy, “I’m gonna make it!”, I whimpered, in childlike relief.

Don’t live in the past, but don’t forget it either. Your customized classes in the school of life, are not only the most valuable, they’re the most expensive too. You don’t want to have to retake them. And, surprise! there are tests. But their most important benefit, is the confidence supplied for going forward.

God’s people were surrounded with reminders conveying one vital message, “don’t forget God.” Sadly, the lessons from their past experiences, reinforced by their Seders, holidays, feasts, etc., were lost by memory failure when facing similar challenges.This became terminal to making progress.

I don’t “journal,” but I’ve learned to note the times when God “comes through” for me. Today I reviewed that list for the first time in years. My joyful conclusion, “God will come through, He always does.”

Ps.11:4, God has made His wonderful works to be remembered.