Thank You For The Money 4


Thank you for The Money 4


Houses, vineyards, harvests too, that we didn’t work for,

what He simply gives to us, we can’t praise ourselves for.

Ask the slaves, under Egypt’s reign, how great hard work can be,

only work in the promised land brings true prosperity.

Hard work is the sacred cow of our society,

but Christ said His yoke’s easy and His burden’s light for me.

God helps those who help themselves, well that may be true,

but when I couldn’t help myself, He helped me then too.

Hard work is a virtue when that’s how the Spirit leads,

but workaholic obsession is just pure idolatry.

Sabbath rest means doing your responsibility,

then God says I’ll do the rest relax and count on me,

just say,

Thank you, Lord, thank you for, thank you for the money.

Thank you, Lord, thank you for, thank you for the money,
