The Blood of Jesus


The Blood of Jesus

      Geneticists tell us that the blood type of a fetus is determined by the male seed. Contrary to assumption, the blood of the mother is independent of the baby. Herein is the profound implication of the virgin birth. Christ was conceived of the Holy Ghost. [1] God was His Father in the most literal sense. His Blood therefore, was divine Blood, sinless and unique. In contrast to the immeasurable rivers of blood that has flowed through countless billions of human bodies, His Blood compels the word precious. It is the Blood of God. It is the delivery of the life of God to mankind. [2]

At the Last Supper, Christ offered His disciples to drink that Blood by faith. He said if you drink not my Blood, you have no life in you, [3] implying that if we do imbibe His Blood, we possess the very life of God. We reverence this ordinance in sober remembrance of His sacrifice, but we also celebrate the profound benefits of that Blood.

By virtue of imbibing the Blood of Christ we now possess His righteousness. [4] We are not subject to the wrath of God. [5] We are justified, “just as if we never sinned.” [6] The Blood not only paid for sins past but for the future ones as well. Sins we have not committed yet are already provided for. So we are promised that “surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” [7] His blood is the answer to guilt. [8] We now have boldness to approach God; [9] His favor is guaranteed. [10]

We need only see the value God places on The Blood of Jesus, to know our value.


[1] Lk.1:35

[2] Lev.17:11

[3] Jn.6:53

[4] Rom.3:25

[5] Rom.5:9, 1Thes.5:9

[6] Rom.3:24

[7] Heb.8:12

[8] Rom.8:1

[9] Heb.4:16

[10] Rom.5:2