Procrastination is the opiate of the conscience. It renders us numb to obligation and the things around us that are calling for our attention. It’s one of the most utilized and cunning mechanisms of irresponsibility known to man. It is the art of self-deception.
” I’ll do it someday” pacifies the current intrusion of the conscience while avoiding the only thing that can’t actually satisfy it which is doing what it says.
Every broken New Year’s resolution or neglected home project or postponed task or ignored chore or delayed promise is a tribute to the intoxicant that’s in procrastinating. Some homes are museums to “I really should do that someday.” “Hoarders” live in a stupor of indifference, virtually mainlining procrastination, with a “kicker” of “nobody’s perfect.” Children are the “town criers” when it comes to parental “promise delinquency.” ” But you promised,” haunts the ears of parents that have procrastinated what they said they would do. Putting it off till “another time” and “I’ll do it someday” even deceives evangelistic decisions for eternity.
A very wise mentor once gave me this piece of invaluable advice, “never put off till tomorrow, what you could do today.” Thank you Jesus! I should post that on my mirror. Maybe I’ll get around to doing it someday.
Being delinquent in a responsibility is a disturbing feeling, like the one you get from being behind on a car payment. Paying attention to your conscience is the first installment in making your account current. A free spirit will always follow any payment of action to our conscience.
“Nobody’s perfect,” but make sure you haven’t set your standards too low.” Mulligans” are great, but “The just shall live by faith,” not “mulligans.” I am told that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me .” Phil.4:13
Gods forgiveness is the answer for guilt, not self-delusion. His Grace is our enablement. His unconditional love makes us free to walk or fall. God loves us lazy or diligent, current or delinquent. Why not enjoy a current account? Declare war on procrastination.