The Stars Are Falling


The Stars Are Falling

      Like a meteor shower of heroes, celebrities, political figures, financiers, sports figures are falling from their lofty heights in scandals and prosecutions.

Temporary prosperity is misleading. It’s the final outcome that defines us. Who remembers John Wilkes Boothe as a great actor? Outward appearances can also be deceiving. “Sheep’s clothing ” makes that point.

The apparent prosperity of the wicked is vexing when they’ve cheated, or taken short cuts. It seems unfair. How can it be? The answer is, only the end, and the motives beneath the surface matters.


The final grief of the wicked is permanent. Integrity is the challenge of being true to what’s right regardless of how it compares to anything else.

There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs