Why is there evil?
Gods original design was “good,” “very good !” all of it. [1] Adam possessed no flaw, or potential for violating God. His paradise environment was without evil as well, perfect.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was as “very good” as everything else. It involved prohibition, not temptation. [2] It focused celebration on the sincerity of Adams obedience, and the watchful care of his maker.
Adam was seduced by an intruder. [3] He didn’t just fall, he was tripped, and the fall killed him. His condition was then passed on to every descendant.
His domain, which was all the earth, was forfeited over to the one who conned him. It’s the Devils bitter campaign against God that we now see playing out as “this present evil world.” [4]
Without Satan’s temptation, sin was impossible. [5] His rebellion against God must be factored into original sin and all evil thereafter. Ultimately, he is removed, but for now, he is only limited.
[1] Gen.1:31 [2] Jms.1:13 [3] Matt.4:3 [4] Gal.1:4 [5] 1Thes.3:5