Why Isn’t this Working?


Promises, promises! The power of The Blood? No condemnation? Freedom from guilt? The power of The Cross? Freedom from addiction? Answers to prayer? “Great, but I don’t see it happening in my life. I don’t feel forgiven, I still have guilt. I am still wrestling with the same habits and what about my prayers that haven’t been answered ?”

The challenge is clear. We are tempted to question God’s reality because it’s invisible and new to our experience. A Christian once said to me, “I don’t have time for people who say they are healed when they’re not.” We are programmed to “believe it when we see it.” just like Thomas in The Bible.

This answer to the challenge is faith. Faith substantiates the things we are promised, and proves the things that we cannot see. [1] Abraham disregarded the deadness of his wife’s womb and of his own aged body to substantiate God’s promise of a baby. [2] His experience eventually yielded to God’s word of promise as it always must if we exercise what we believe to overrule what we see. Our feelings will always follow our faith.

The Blood of Jesus, The Cross of Christ, The Resurrection, the power of the Holy Spirit, are like the nuclear powers of Gods Invisible Kingdom. But their power flows to faith. Just like lightening seeks a positive charge to connect with on the earth, it’s our faith here on earth that provides the positive charge that draws the heavenly power of God.

As the author and finisher of our faith, [3] Christ is in the process of writing an ongoing composition of faith in our life. [4] The drama of each new chapter usually involves stretching the challenges of the previous levels of believing. [5] It shouldn’t surprise us.

Without faith it’s impossible to please God. [6] Faith works by Love, [7] to please God.

[1] Heb.11:1

[2] Rom.4:19

[3] Heb.12:2

[4] 2Cor.3:2

[5] Rom.1:17

[6] Heb.11:6

[7] Gal.5:6