Why we don’t Tithe
“Tithe? No way! I can’t afford it.” “Not right now.” “I will someday.”
Abram set the precedent for tithing after winning the greatest military victory in history. With a handful of servants, he routed the strongest invasion force the world had ever seen. He then Tithed the spoils to acknowledge the connection between his survival and the God that made it possible. His Tithe proved he recognized God as God. Tithing says, you are God, I am not. No other expression says it as clearly.
The Tithe means, all belongs to you God, including me. Tithing is not only how we give our possessions to God, it’s also how we give ourselves to God. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Matt.6:21. The Tithe puts your heart where it belongs. Tithing is the proof that your heart is given to God. What other proof is there if you withhold the Tithe? Judas appeared to be a disciple in every outward way, but money proved his heart to be otherwise. Who knew?
Beneath the many shallow excuses for not Tithing, lurks the real heart of the matter. Money is a heart matter. Always remember, money’s just a stewardship to prove faithfulness. It’s used to qualify us or disqualify us for the true riches, Lk.16:11. If we really believe God is our life, it’s impossible not to Tithe. Otherwise He’s just a helper who gets a “tip” once in a while. That is, if it fits the budget.
The Tithe is the proof that one’s God is God. Not Tithing proves your god is not God. Through unbelief the priorities of the “Money Monster” will always come first. Jesus said, “you cannot serve two masters” Matt.6:24. There are two Masters in this world. We cannot claim naivete to that reality. At the crossroads of Tithing and not Tithing, we reveal who Masters us.
God guarantees these responses to Tithing, “I will pour you out a blessing that cannot be contained, and I will rebuke the devourer, and all nations shall call you blessed.” Then He adds a unique challenge that’s not found with any other promise in His word. “try me and see “ Mal.3:10. Talk about an offer you can’t refuse! No believing heart can.
There is a proverb that says,” if it’s important to you, you’ll find a way, if it’s not, you’ll find an excuse.” Withholding the tenth is robbery no matter what the excuse. Perhaps we should try tithing our excuses, we’ve got plenty of those.